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Bright Fit is a large chain of fitness clubs. Each club offers a full range of services necessary to achieve your goals.
• Convenient installment plans for memberships: initial payment and monthly fees.
• Spacious gym floors, separate cardio area.
• The largest schedule of group classes in the city: over 70 workouts per week.
• Over 60 fitness programs: aerobic and strength training, dance classes, yoga, and wellness programs.
• Boxing and martial arts.
• Three group workout rooms.
• Fitness bar.
• Tanning beds.
• Saunas.
Bright Fit is the largest chain of fitness clubs in the Urals Federal District, opening its tenth club in Tyumen!
Start training easily and correctly, add «Bright» to your life!
The membership will include basic fitness services:
• Gym floor (330 sq. m);
• Cardio area;
• Two group workout rooms (120 and 64 sq. m);
• Finnish saunas.
More than 45 fitness programs on the schedule:
• Aerobic and strength training;
• Dance classes;
• Yoga, pilates, wellness.
Additional features:
• Fitness bar;
• Body aesthetics room;
• Personal training.
Comfort essentials:
• Workout towel;
• Drinking water;
• Air conditioning and ventilation system;
• Cleaning service.
Memberships can only be purchased by phone reservation.
The sales department is open daily from 10:00 to 20:00.
You can also request a membership on the website.
Join the proper fitness community and train regularly!
The sales department is open daily.
Call now or visit the website to request a membership.
The 17th fitness club this summer?
We can’t contain our excitement, as the 17th Bright Fit fitness club in Chelyabinsk will open its doors this summer!
A bit about the club:
• Located at 39 Akademika Koroleva Street;
• Total club area — 1090 square meters;
• 2 spacious group workout rooms;
• Martial arts area;
• 2 body aesthetics rooms;
• Tanning beds*.
Bright Fit not only delights with a wide range of zones but also with fantastic discounts on club memberships.
Брайт Фит на карте
![]() |
Город Тюмень, 50 лет Октября, 14 (ул 50 лет Октября) |
Пн-Пт: 07:00-23:00, Сб-Вс: 09:00-22:00 |
+73435370300 +73439339739 +73452790079 +73512160501 +73512165550 +73902313537 +78432270001 |
t.me |
Фитнес-клубы, Тренажерные залы, Услуги массажиста, Студии загара, Спортивные секции, Бассейны, Обучение йоге, Центры обучения танцам |
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