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Monroe — cozy fitness studios with the philosophy that every woman is beautiful! We simply help you reveal your true beauty.
Our classes will help you become more feminine, strengthen your back muscles, energize you, and here’s what else you’ll get:
— effective directions for women’s health care of your choice — healthy back, yoga, step, zumba, slim body, pilates and others;
— only women in the club, so there are no male onlookers here;
— small groups of up to 8 people allow our trainers to devote time to each girl;
— comfortable workout pace allows you to burn calories without overexertion and dieting;
— experienced trainers create a cozy and friendly atmosphere.
Women of all ages, body types, and fitness levels exercise with us.
A woman is born a woman, and «Monroe» is one of those places that recharges our internal batteries. Among women and alone with yourself, your body and your state. Join us.
Monroe на карте
Город Санкт-Петербург, Школьная, 8 (ул Школьная) |
Пн-Пт: 09:00-22:00, Сб-Вс: 10:00-18:00 |
+78123323520 |
spb.monroe.fitness |
Обучение йоге, Фитнес-клубы, Центры обучения танцам |
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