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F1 is a modern spacious multifunctional sports complex for the whole family. We offer a variety of sports games, fitness classes, and sections for both adults and children.
Our instructors will help you:
— create a training and nutrition plan;
— achieve your goal, whether it’s weight loss or muscle gain.
Facilities available to you include:
— martial arts hall (karate);
— sports hall (volleyball, football, artistic gymnastics, sports acrobatics);
— functional training area (functional workouts, kettlebell sports, powerlifting);
— dance studio (hip-hop, cheerleading);
— aerobics studio (fitness, aerobics);
— table tennis.
You can also rent football fields and sports halls at the «Temp» stadium. The stadium also has a sports hall with a mini-football field. In its administrative building, there is a training room, 2 saunas.
Call us to get consultation on memberships and rentals!
F1 на карте
Город Саратов, Проспект им. 50 лет Октября, 93ж (Ленинский район) |
Пн-Пт: 09:00-22:00, Сб-Вс: 09:00-21:00 |
+79272771981 +78452771981 |
Спортивные секции, Фитнес-клубы, Аренда спортивных площадок, Тренажерные залы |
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Фото клуба F1
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